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2008 The Knot Best of Weddings Videographer

Charles Lauren Films was picked by local brides like you as the best vendor of wedding videography for 2008 in the Los Angeles region!!! Thank you all brides who voted for us- we truly appreciate the nod!
It has been our goal to always maintain the highest professional standard and creativity in wedding videography since we began just 5 years ago. Our company is growing thanks to brides like you who know the best when they see it! Anybody think we should have a party? Strictly business of course- ;-)

Our Great Friend Tricia's Opening


Dara & Kevin

Dara and Kevin wanted a new approach to wedding videography at their Japanese Garden location - at least some of the sections. Their idea was to be a bit new age and upbeat with a dash of heavy metal for Kevin's sake! Now this may be too fast and fun for a few of you romantics- but as a cool intro to their day we think it makes the cake for fun and frivolity. In fact here's what Dara and Kevin have to say about the video we made them...

"We looked at the video truly is wonderful. It looks so "hollywood"...not like every other wedding video I've seen. You two are great at what you do."
-Dara and Kevin

Music to Our Ears

This was pretty neat. The wedding was shot at Rancho Las Lomas and Redd Street Band were the musical talents for the evening- serenading the guests while they ate dinner and the like- pretty awesome.

Did You Get the Order? ah In-N-Out burgers yummy!

Ryan our groom was checking to see if his microphone was working by asking us if he could order an In-N-Out burger and animal style fries- need I say more, just watch the clip.

The Ball and Chain

This is a common statement that you will hear at weddings if you happen to find a ball and chain lying around at your reception location. This ball and chain was actually on a table for the cigar maker who was making fresh rolled cigars at the wedding for all of the guests who wanted one.
Disclaimer: Smoking can kill you- but it's so Cuban! It reminds us of Andy Garcia and the movie Lost City. So we'll let it slide, besides it made for a great party.